Using average 1 ° lat/log = 111.133km
Height + voids%
15.257 % 4383 = 668.71
668.71m + 4383 = 5051.71 *with 17m error
use “Heightfield File” to import your GeoTiff.
Size Method = Size of Largest Axis
Size = tile size of your GeoTIFF = 1 degree lat x 1 degree long for ASTER GDEM.
***So far below is the best method I have found - not perfect at all. I would like to put our Remapped Height directly into “Height Scale” and have it work but it just doesn’t.
Make a “Box” and scale in Y to the size of your elevation + voids. Basically a measuring stick.
“Transform” this in until it is directly under the feature your have a measurement for, add some Height Scale as necessary to visualise.
Then adjust Height Scale till you get the exact height. (yes it’s not really exact, I know.)
***For the Mount Williamson tile I then noticed the desert floor is above sea level. So I went back into Google Earth and got an elevation for the desert floor.
Beck into Houdini made another Box and scaled in Y to the elevation from Google Earth and QC’d the desert floor. IT MATCHED !!!
So now I feel like I have an accurate model of the environment at scale with correct height so the slope angles of the mountains are close to real world.
Real World scaled ASTER GDEM applied to Houdini Heightfield.