Gallery wall giant template 1

I'm creating my own photoshop Gallery Wall Templates, to preview my work at a variety of gallery sizes. 

Art should not be watered down, it should be transformative.

Philippe Chabot on his work, “My work deals with absurdity, dumbness, disenchantment, cult and decay. I am interested in the ways television, radio, web and entertainment culture affect our social and individual identities. I am also intrigued by the position of painting among all the other forms of visual media that surrounds us, and I believe that visual art, in its institutional format, is evolving away from the general public.
I haven’t just flat out ‘liked’ someone’s fine art in a while as much as I like Chabot’s. It’s like a blender of Francis Bacon, Warhol, Jean Michel Basquiat and maybe just a hair of Walt Disney thrown in for seasoning. It’s everything I love combined.

I believe it is the public that should evolve to the point where they understand art. Art should not be watered down, it should be transformative.

grey rabbit

grey mouse (computer)

computer mouse - edward hopper - with abstraction * train station figures relate, eyes looking away, shadowed.


cold, clinical, industrial scapes - jefferey smart.

humans replaced by robots - Asimov

tiny working... figures dwarfed by the abstract world.

skeletons negative space

Australian Government releases its report into IT pricing

I realised the large price differences while living in Japan. But didn't realise how large those differences were, wow.


The results are in:
The inquiry compared more than 150 products and found that Australians paid up to 50 per cent more than customers in other countries.
• Specifically, Australians pay an average of 66 per cent more for Microsoft products and 42 per cent more for Adobe products.
• Australians pay 84 per cent more on games, 52 per cent more on music, 46 per cent more than the US on computer hardware and 16 per cent more on ebooks.
• Based on the evidence the committee received over the last year it concluded that in many cases the price difference for IT products cannot be explained by the cost of doing business, particularly as it relates to digital downloads.

bored beasts

“Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.” 

― Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune


The Jungle

The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by the American journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair (1878–1968).[1] Sinclair wrote the novel to portray the lives of immigrants in the United States. Many readers were most concerned with his exposure of practices in the American meatpacking industry during the early 20th century, based on an investigation he did for a socialist newspaper.

The book depicts poverty, the absence of social programs, unpleasant living and working conditions, and the hopelessness prevalent among the working class, which is contrasted with the deeply rooted corruption of people in power. A review by the writer Jack London called it, "the Uncle Tom's Cabin of wage slavery."[2]

Sinclair was considered a muckraker, or journalist who exposed corruption in government and business.[3] He first published the novel in serial form in 1905 in the socialist newspaper, Appeal to Reason, between February 25, 1905, and November 4, 1905. In 1904, Sinclair had spent seven weeks in 1904 gathering information while working incognito in the meatpacking plants of the Chicago stockyards for the newspaper. It was published as a book on 26 February 1906 by Doubleday and in a subscribers' edition.[4]

A film version of the novel was made in 1914, but it has since become lost.

dystopia - reality - skyscraper - fantasy - utopia - beauty - hope  - ugliness - for miles and miles.

MINOR!!! ... .. . major.


Chapterhouse Dune Quotes

Chapterhouse Dune Quotes


The person who takes the banal and ordinary and illuminates it in a new way can terrify. We do not want our ideas changed. We feel threatened by such demands. "I already know the important things!" we say. Then Changer comes and throws our old ideas away.

-The Zensufi Master


You cannot know history unless you know how leaders move with its currents. Every leader requires outsiders to perpetuate his leadership. Examine my career: I was leader and outsider. Do not assume I merely created a Church- State. That was my function as leader and I copied historical models. Barbaric arts of my time reveal me as outsider. Favorite poetry: epics. Popular dramatic ideal: heroism. Dances: wildly abandoned. Stimulants to make people sense what I took from them. What did I take? The right to choose a role in history.

-Leto II (The Tyrant): Vether Bebe Translation

Built into his machine, she thought. That said something about the way humans were fitted to the things they did. Lucilla sensed a weakening force in this thought. If you fitted yourself too tightly to one thing, other abilities atrophied. We become what we do.

Hard work dulled curiosity.

But dealing with Murbella with her required Mentat awareness. He entered every encounter not expecting to achieve answers then or later. It was a typicalMentat approach: concentrate on the questions. Mentats accumulated questions the way others accumulated answers. Questions created their own patterns and systems. This produced the most important shapes. You looked at your universe through self-created patterns -- all composed of images, words, and labels (everything temporary), all mingled in sensory impulses that reflected off his internal constructs the way light bounced from bright surfaces.

Idaho's original Mentat instructor had formed the temporary words for that first tentative construct: "Watch for consistent movements against your internal screen."

corruption wears infinite disguises.

The world is mostly dark these days. Light is rare, precious, like the light in Tron Legacy. Paintings, photos and art of the world should reflect this, like the work of Goya or Cak Noor. Disturbances in the force.


yellow works

4 x yellow 14x18cm

  1. Spaceman
  2. Evel Knieval rides the sun
  3. Knight
  4. Slide (Unfinnished)

yellow sun stars black spots tiny figures

red works - elements

3 x tall thin red panels

earth water air fire

blue works

moreSome mind bender

  • Power lines with a dead tree touching the line.

  • Moon sports. Back side of the moon. Orb. Moon buggy. Moon movie.

  • Car city. American big consumer

  • Telegraph pole slowly coming at you and leaning over more and more with a character leaning back in shock.

  • Windy bonsai and people fighting extreme wind.

  • After Andy Warhol. Celebration of the subtle variety in things. Done large enough to be pleasing.

  • But today there is too much choice. Too much subtle variety. So, create works of images of thousands of products. Or people or trees all reduced to a sing image. Each character only a few pixels in height. Thus making an image of noise. And from far merging into a mass of brown etc. bland. Rubbish.

  • Test. Photo of supermarket shelves. Copy pasted repeated 1000x. Multi coloured noise.

  • Abstracts based on Japanese shoji screens and old house design and Mondrian.

  • Guy walking and being stretched in the middle like the reflection of the world in a car door. Vivid colorful stripes with figure on edges only.

  • Same thing. Except guy turning a corner. Sweeping 180 degree curve left to right to left. U turn guy to the left. Cornelius paint.

  • Same thing except woman descending a staircase with molten super ball effect.

  • Tiny sliver of ocean with massive sky. Giant prints. Moods. Photo. Or drawings.

  • Palm tree on the side of a hill with zig zag fence.

  • Adrift epic. Cliche guy on a raft in the middle of the ocean. In the doldrums. Super clear. Or in the most amazing seasky sunset. Or clouds. At different times of day. An oil tanker. Or floating in a sea of junk.

  • Animation idea. Person walking side on through life from the speed and coloured intensity of a teenager to the slow painful stagger of old age. Or from the peace of nature to the insane noise of digital city life. Life to dead alive.  Getting further from peace.

  • Go to supacenter copy designs and pictures and techniques.

  • Sydney skyline silhouette background, red sunset, pale purple sunset, starry sky, full moon etc, contrasted with foreground scenes of extreme poverty and life. Domestic, drunken street brawl, graffiti, fibro house, train violence, bike car smashed drivers window, home invasion, iPad snatching, glue sniffing, gang rape, family at Centerlink - taken from Sydney news. And computer hacker... govt enquiry etc. Petrol station.

  • intelligent? graffiti ideas - gobbledegook, paranoia, shopping cart, meaninglessness, silence, apathy, anything from an economic dictionary.




What is art?

Art is the great soul check.

Do I have a soul.
How healthy is my soul.

A way to make sure your soul's alright.

More things to do.


Red blue strips left to right fading to black.

Red blue history slices left to right mixing fracturing turning black.

Miniature American flag centered on a black flag. Hmm. Darkness of the deep caves of nightmares. Not of skin.

Insanely thin sliver of red on the left otherwise black.

Or all done on black but overplayed with invisible uv based paint.

Framed with their own uv lighting system.

Some things to do.

Nano frames with Shinji.
Pirate zombie.
Buttons k portrait for the competition.
Photo of paper, or Hal's toys like John.
Velvet underground style portrait.
Start pacman image 2.
Continue and finish some older art pieces. Yoko's story board. Insanity sketches